Essentially, there are three things that are set for a session:

  • Session Type
  • Activity state (active, inactive or auto active)
  • Session participants
"Session" page - basic settings


  1. List with all sessions (without archived sessions).
  2. Area for configuring the selected session
  3. Select session for editing
  4. Create new session
  5. Delete session (only available if session is inactive)
  6. Archive session
  7. Archive all expired sessions
  8. Name of the session (displayed in the simulator)
  9. Session type
  10. Start time of the session (for automatic start)
  11. End time of the session (for automatic start)
"Session" page: Activation settings

Details about the activation types


Session members

In the "Session Members" area the participants of the session are managed. Here new participants can be added, deleted and a list of participants of the session can be exported. In addition, the courses in which each participant is enrolled are displayed to the right of each participant.


  1. Add new participant to session
  2. Remove participant from session
  3. Export participants of the session (CSV)
  4. Export participants of the session (MS Excel table)