General notes
When conducting training as well as installing the system, special attention should be paid to the following basic principle: People wearing VR goggles (HMD) are effectively blind. They perceive as obstacles only what can be seen in the VR. Therefore, the action area must always be free of obstacles, steps or even other people.
All participants should be informed about the risks of wearing the VR glasses. In particular, it should be explained that:
- unwanted contact with objects or persons located in the simulation area can lead to bruises or falls.
- Attempted real interaction with purely virtual objects (e.g., trying to hold on to or support parts of a ship) can lead to falls.
- HMDs can cause discomfort, dizziness, or nausea in some people. (Often these perceptions improve after a few minutes, but those who have problems for a longer time should stop using the HMD and take a break).
- If you experience dizziness or unusual ship movements, you can close your eyes or put down the VR goggles to prevent loss of balance.
- it is risky to create strong ship movements. Strong ship movements can lead to loss of balance and thus to a fall. This is especially true for maneuvers involving lines. Line maneuvers can lead to extreme ship motions due to the laws of physics.Trainees should therefore avoid the following at all costs:
- Accelerating the vessel sharply while a line connection is in place.
- Making a line connection while the ship is moving